Mecspe 2021
The 19th edition of Mecspe fair is coming, the biggest appointment for manufacturing industry’s innovations, with big opportunities of business connections. Milltech will be there from 23rd to 25th November, in its stand A121 pavilion 25, it will be our pleasure to welcome you!
A company “sailing upwind”
Despite the copious and turbulent challenges that we faced during the year 2020, Milltech was able to stand out as a company with remarkable performance skills, according to some selection criteria by “Controvento” (en: upwind) survey. The survey, conducted by the institution “Nomisma”, a market research company, in collaboration with CRIF (a credit bureau institution), […]
Betriebsurlaub 2021
Milltech möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass das Unternehmen von 09. August bis zum 22. August geschlossen bleibt. Vielen Dank für Ihre Zusammenarbeit, wir wünschen Ihnen schöne Ferien!
Thermographic check up on electrical systems
The health of our company is important to us. In Milltech we carry out periodic checks and make diagnoses on equipment, machineries, because we want to make sure that safety at work remains a priority for our company. A thermographic analysis was carried out the last April. Thermography allows to detect in time and with […]
Ostern 2021
Milltech wünscht Ihnen frohe Ostern. Wir kehren zurück am 6. April!
Weinachtsferien 2020-2021
Unsere Betriebsferien für Weihnachten sind vom 24.12.20 bis 06.01.21. Vielen Dank und allen eine frohe Weihnacht!
Beyond Corona Virus, towards the future!
During the current difficult situation all over the world, Milltech S.r.l. faces the present looking always to the future! Our company is operative and deals efficiently with all the multiple problems this situation may arise. We have already taken care of health safety measures according to the official instructions of prevention and protection. Milltech employees […]
Betriebsferien Milltech 2019-2020
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit informieren wir Sie, dass die Firma am 06.12.2019 für Schutzpatronstag geschlossen sein wird. Unsere Betriebsferien für Weihnachten sind vom 21.12.19 bis 06.01.20. Gerne nützen wir die Gelegenheit Ihnen frohe Festen zu wünschen!